Valuing Bitcoin Using Metcalfe’s Law

Just over a month a go we discussed Frank Homes, CEO of US Global Investors, who had returned from the LBMA/LPPM Precious Metals conference in Barcelona after giving the key note address on Day 2, ‘Quant Investing: From Gold to Cryptocurrencies.’ Homes’s presentation was voted the best – no doubt helped by the topical subject matter – and he was the recipient of an ounce of gold.
Seeing a role for both gold and cryptocurrencies in portfolios, he aimed a couple of blows at recent Bitcoin detractors, including you know who from JPM. As we noted at the time, however, it was Homes’s observations on Metcalfe’s law, i.e. the economics of network effects, which we particularly enjoyed.
This was his take on the surge in the price of Bitcoin…
‘Metcalfe’s law states that the bigger the network of users, the greater that network’s value becomes. Robert Metcalfe, distinguished electrical engineer, was speaking specifically about Ethernet, but it also applies to cryptos. Bitcoin might look like a bubble on a simple price chart, but when we place it on a logarithmic scale, we see that a peak has not been reached yet.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Nov 28, 2017.