Happy 2nd Birthday Bail-in Tool! We Suggest Gold As The Perfect Gift

Happy 2nd Birthday Bail-in Tool! We Suggest Gold As The Perfect Gift
– Two years since bail-in rules officially entered EU regulations
– EU bail-in rules have wiped out billions for savers and and businesses, with more at risk
– Future of many failing banks now rests on depositors who may no longer be protected by deposit insurance
– Physical gold enables savers to stay out of banking system and reduce exposure to bail-ins
– For more listen to our Goldnomics Podcast: What does 2018 have in store for financial markets?
Ah, New Year’s resolutions, what fun. For some reason we opt to commit to fairly big life changes at some point between Christmas and New Year. This is a time when the real world seems a lifetime away from the cosiness of the holiday season. We often make a resolution when we have had too much of something, perhaps booze, perhaps food or perhaps it is based on regrets from the previous year. Despite best intentions, rarely do we stick to them.
May we make a suggestion? If you’re going to make any resolutions this year make one that is pretty easy to stick to and that won’t make too much of a short-term impact on your life: resolve to pay attention to and to protect yourself from the threat that is ECB bail-in tools. In the long-term you’ll be more grateful you did this than if you had given up cursing or drinking for a month.

This post was published at Gold Core on December 29, 2017.