Off-Topic Sunday: Bio-Weapons And Super Robots

For some people, obsessing about The Coming Financial Crisis might actually therapeutic because it’s both understandable and easily survivable (just buy gold and silver!). So time spent researching the subject on Zero Hedge or pricing Silver Eagles online could actually be a useful distraction from the other, potentially much scarier stuff that’s going on out there.
Last week, for instance, Wired Magazine noted two developments that until, well, last week, were safely in the realm of science fiction. First, there’s a new gene manipulation technology that can apparently insert a time bomb into entire species – including us:
This gene-editing tech might be too dangerous to unleash
TO GET TO work in the morning, Omar Akbari has to pass through a minimum of six sealed doors, including an air-locked vestibule. The UC Riverside entomologist studies the world’s deadliest creature: the Aedes aegypti mosquito, whose bite transmits diseases that kill millions each year. But that’s not the reason for all the extra security. Akbari isn’t just studying mosquitoes – he’s re-engineering them with self-destruct switches. And that’s not something you want accidentally escaping into the world.
The technology Akbari is designing is something called a gene drive. Think of it as a way to supercharge evolution, forcing a genetic modification to spread through an entire population in just a few generations. Scientists see it as a powerful tool that could finally vanquish diseases like malaria, dengue, and Zika. But US defense agencies see something else: a national security issue.

This post was published at DollarCollapse on NOVEMBER 19, 2017.