Stocks and Precious Metals Charts – FANG Stocks Take the Gas Pipe – Dow ‘Industrials’ Set Record

“He who does not bellow the truth when he knows the truth makes himself the accomplice of liars and forgers.”
Charles Peguy
‘Tax reform is about job creation. President Trump is working to revitalize America’s main streets by reducing taxes, and making the tax code simpler and fairer. With nearly 1.5 million jobs created since January and two consecutive quarters of GDP growth above 3 percent, the President has unleashed a spirit of economic optimism – but our work is not done. Lowering taxes for job creators will help them grow and hire more Americans for good, family-sustaining jobs.’
Alexander Acosta, Secretary of Labor, 29 Nov 2017
Too bad the ‘job creators’ who have been enjoying record profits have repeatedly said that they intend to do what they have been doing all along with their extra cash: stock buybacks, dividends, acquisitions of suppliers and competitors, and larger rewards for management. And probably more automation and offshoring.
Increasing wages and hiring more workers is a low priority, as it has been for quite a few years. Why would we think giving the same player MORE money without changing anything or creating new incentives would actually result in a different outcome?

This post was published at Jesses Crossroads Cafe on 29 NOVEMBER 2017.